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Bifocal Lenses

For reading and distance prescriptions with a visible line and no intermediate vision area. Get 2 pairs for $179 with our two pair bifocals offer.

Lined bifocals lenses

Why Choose Bifocal Lenses?

  • Zero distortion.
    Traditional lined bifocal glasses jump quickly from distance to near, once the eye crosses the line on the lens. Usually easier to adapt to than progressive lenses, bifocal lenses also give a larger field of view up close. In addition, wearers of progressives will experience a bit of distortion in the lower periphery whereas that is not an issue with lined bifocals.

  • Better value.
    Progressive lenses are a newer technology that comes with a higher price tag. Eyeglass World has a 2 for $179 bifocals offer that gives you great everyday value.

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