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Eye Health

Vision issues can make it difficult to perform daily tasks. Whether you're experience blurriness or having trouble focusing, many vision issues can easily be treated with eyeglasses and contact lenses.

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Eye Health Articles

Eye Strain from Computer Use

Those who use the computer on a regular basis may encounter computer eye strain that causes vision problems. Learn how to reduce computer eye strain when working on the computer for long periods of time.

Eye Floaters

Learn about what causes eye floaters, as well as how your eye doctor can diagnose them.

Nearsightedness & Farsightedness

You may have trouble seeing up close OR far away. Learn which is which and why it's important to know. 

Tunnel Vision

If you have trouble seeing to the sides in your peripheral vision, you may have tunnel vision.


This is a very common curvature of the surface of the eye that can make vision blurry.

Common Allergens

Allergies can be painful and very irritating to your eyes. Learn about a few of the most common allergies that can cause vision problems.

Color Blindness

Some people who are color blind can actually still see some color, but cannot treat or correct the issue.

Vision Issues in Children

Vision issues in children may be much harder to detect than those in adults. Review some of the most common vision problems that children face according to their age.


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Eye Exam Information

Learn about about comprehensive eye exams and find the Eyeglass World nearest you to schedule your annual eye exam with one of our friendly associates.

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Eye Disorders & Diseases

Learn about eye diseases and eye disorders including macular degeneration, glaucoma, cataracts, detached retinas and more.